When we think about things that have stayed popular for decades we can probably count on one hand the things that have lasted that time test. The red handbag for some reason is on that list. Did you know these bags have been popular since the early forties? Typically fashion cycles through, but having a red handbag has always been in style and popular. Why is this?
There are many fashion experts that have tried to answer this question and analyze the exact reason. Many fashion experts have summed it up to the actual color of the bag. They claim that the color red has always been a symbol for sexiness and has a natural appeal to the eye. There is a lot of truth to this as you really can wear a red handbag with any outfit, regardless of the color. It's definitely a symbol of sex though as well, I mean look at the celebrities that have these types of purses. Actresses such as Jessica Simpson, Jessica Beil, and Natalie Portman are just a few of the famous actresses that often sport a red purse at their side.
Most of these handbags are made of leather. The reason for this is that leather is much more durable and can last through some serious beating and weathering. There are different brands of these bags that range from $50 dollars all the way up to the thousands of dollars. Materials are an important factor to consider when buying a bag as nicer materials usually last much longer than other materials.
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