There are many bags in the market and many women are confused on what to look for in quality bags. Well, there are actually many measurement of quality. Is it quality because of the durability of the bag. The design-wise kind of quality, or it could be material-used kind of quality.
Canvas, leather and polyester are all good materials. But when you talk about quality, you would actually go for leather. But when you say durability, most people would say it is canvas. But you have to consider that durability is actually measured by years of usage and how have you used your bag. If you are going to put rocks on your bag and walk long distance, would the bag (whether canvas or leather) can withstand that kind of performance? Check the seams of the bag, the finer the stitches, and thicker the seams the better. Then you consider the size and the material used for the bag. Polyester and canvas are good as linings. Leather, of course, ranks the best as the main material used.
There are many types of leather made as bags in the market. There are soft leather, hard leather and synthetic leather. The hard leather is more durable, but the soft leather is more comfortable that is why it is more expensive. The crocodile skin too has quality credit to its lustrous appearance and rarity. We all know that leather can be dyed and polished. Though blue is the most popular choice of women when it comes to color, red is the rarest, because it is difficult to die leather red with the same luster. That is why when you found a red lustrous and shiny leather bag in the market, do not hesitate to buy it because there is quality in that.
Quality when it comes to design would differ in the personality of the bag. If the bag would like to assume a ragged look, then fashion gurus would say you for slouch hobo bags. However if you want a more sophisticated and classy look, find a stylish design but not intricate. Hardware accessories like the brand logo in metal add class, and also consider the buckles and zipper. Well, here is the tip, most people would think that more hardware, more expensive the bag is. But do not get an exaggerated bag filled with buckles and other accessories, sophistication emerges from uncomplicated designs not intricate ones.
Finding the right bag is actually easy. Etienne Aigner brand creates quality bags all in design, durability and material. They have croc bags like Jasper and classic hobo bags like Irvington and Vienna. If you know what constitute a quality bag, shopping for one would be easier.
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